If you were to create a task-organizing version of the listening chat system
I want to organize what it would be like to create a task-organizing version of a listening chat system.
nisbot.iconWhat would you like to see happen in this conversation?
nishio.iconI want to organize what it would be like to create a task-organizing version of a listening chat system.
nisbot.iconWhat type of chat system is that?
nishio.iconAs you ask questions and dig into keywords, you can only dig into one task if you use it to organize tasks as it is.
nisbot.iconWhat type of task is the task?
nishio.iconThere are two states, first, it is beneficial to have this system specifically verbalize the things that are in the mind with the blurring that has not yet been verbalized. I think what doesn't work is taking care of the state where there are multiple verbalized things and prioritization is not possible.
nisbot.iconWhat type of blur is that blur?
nishio.iconState that something should be done, but it is not clear what.
nisbot.iconWhat type of condition is that?
nishio.iconNGKW Status
I want to organize what it would be like to create a task-organized version of the listening chat system.
Is there anything else you would like to share about this chat system?
nishio.iconI thought that if I came up with a different form of the current listening scenario, I would be able to see what is common and what is not and make improvements.
nisbot.iconWhat type of scenario is that?
nishio.iconIn the listening scenario, repeat the question to the words that seem important, then ask what they value, and then ask about the relationship between the symbols that have become more concrete.
nisbot.iconIs there anything else you can tell us about that scenario?
nishio.iconI am wondering if it would be possible to create another pattern for that scenario. If it were task management, I would first have them write down everything they could think of, and then ask, "Is this feasible now?" What is needed to make it feasible? and "What do I need to do to make this feasible?
nisbot.iconWhere is that scenario?
nishio.iconStill no. It's in a state of fuzziness in my brain.
nisbot.iconWhat is it that you value?
nishio.iconIf you have multiple tasks on your task list and you are thinking about which one to do first, and if you can verbalize which one to do first by talking to the chat system, you can do the task without worrying.
nisbot.iconWhat is that chat system like?
nishio.iconCoach. There are a lot of workouts that look like they should be done, and having a coach say, "Okay, let's do this next one," reduces bias and oversight.
I have multiple tasks on my task list and I'm trying to decide which one to do first, and I'm thinking that if I can verbalize which one to do first by talking to the chat system, I can do the task without worrying.
Where can I find this chat system?
nishio.iconIt would be nice to have a coach like that on my phone and be able to talk to him whenever I want.
I have multiple tasks on my task list and I'm trying to decide which one to do first, and I'm thinking that if I can verbalize which one to do first by talking to the chat system, I can do the task without worrying.
How do you know this chat system?
nishio.iconI don't know what to do.
I have multiple tasks on my task list and I'm trying to decide which one to do first, and I'm thinking that if I can verbalize which one to do first by talking to the chat system, I can do the task without worrying.
What should happen with this chat system?
nishio.iconThere needs to be more language about what kind of scenarios would be useful for task management if they could be realized.
nisbot.iconWhat would need to happen in that scenario for that to happen?
nishio.iconNeed to be more specific and verbalize what questions to ask in what situations.
nisbot.iconCan that languageization do it?
nishio.iconIf we do this kind of dialogue several times over time, it will gradually become more verbal.
nisbot.iconWhat type of verbalization is that?
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/聞き出しチャットシステムのタスク整理版を作るとしたら. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.